Ride Thurston County

Route planner for your next bike trip in Thurston County.

Elevation Profile (feet)


Enter an address in the “From” and “To” boxes to get bike-optimized directions. Click “View on Map” to view the route on the map and see an elevation profile.

All bicycle route results are generated by Google, and may not reflect the best on-the-ground route available. Use your best judgement and local knowledge when considering a route provided by this tool.


Map Symbols

Trail Head
Trail Access Point
Trail Roundabout
Bicycle Repair Shop
Bus Transit Center
Public Restroom
Park & Ride Lot
Farmers Market
Train Station
Tent Camping
Boat Launch
(arrow points uphill)
Steep Hill
(arrow points uphill)

Route Indicators

Multi-Use Path
(facilities seperated from the motor vehicle roadway)

Bike Lane
(striped, signed lane adjacent to motor vehicle lane)

Wide Shoulder
(paved shoulder mostly greater than 4 feet but width varies and may be narrower particularly at bridges and intersections)

Bicycle or Pedestrian Connection
(possibly unpaved and / or uneven terrain that may require walking with bike)

Bicycle Street
(streets with generally lower vehicle volumes and speeds, which are identified with signs and pavement markings as routes friendly for bicycles. Some have enhancements at busy intersections to make it easier to cross the street)

Commonly Used Local Roads
(commonly used by cyclists, no bicycle facilities; may include shared lane markings)

Cycling Forbidden
(bicycles are not permitted on portions of I-5, HWY 101, and the 14th Ave Tunnel)

Capitol State Forest Facilities

Mountain Bike / ATV / Motorcycle Trail

Mountain Bike / Hike / Horse Trail

Mountain Bike Only Trail
Trailhead with Parking


The Thurston County Bicycle Map is produced and maintained by Thurston Regional Planning Council with support from the following partners:

More Information

For more information please visit ThurstonBikeMap.org. There you can find information on:

If you have questions or comments please e-mail bikemap@trpc.org.

For additional local and regional cycling resources, including other communities’ bike maps, visit thurstonheretothere.org.


NOTICE TO BICYCLISTS: This map and accompanying information is intended solely to assist bicyclists in their selection of facilities to ride on throughout Thurston County. In providing this information, Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) does not designate these facilities as formal bikeways. TRPC also does not assume liability for bicyclists who choose to travel upon any of the facilities shown on this map, nor does TRPC guarantee the stability, condition or fitness of any of the listed facilities for bicycling. Many of the facilities identified on this map cross and/or run on public roads that are exposed to daily wear and tear and degradation due to weather, motorized traffic and other environmental factors. Facilities may contain pavement imperfections, including ruts, cracks, and bumps. Riders may encounter expansion joints, debris, encroaching vegetation, stormwater inlets, and other natural and man‑made features. Riders should also remain alert for areas of visual impairment and other irregularities that may impact rider and motorist ability to see each other or potential road hazards. The chance that one may come into an area of visual impairment or a route irregularity warrants special care on the part of route users. This map includes facilities within multiple jurisdictions. Conditions and design elements may vary between jurisdictions.

It is the responsibility of the individual rider to remain alert at all times as to the conditions of the facility, pedestrian and other traffic on the facility, and the inherent potential for conflict in any shared-use space. Riders should always ride with care for their own safety as well as the safety of all other users of the facility or right-of-way. This map supersedes/replaces all prior versions of the Thurston County Bicycle Map. Riders should consult the most current version of the map.